
Q1. Are there any material fees?

No. We provide the materials free-of-charge. 

Q2. Is there any GST?

Currently we are not charging GST for our services. 

Q3. When do I have to pay for the tuition fees?

The fees are to be paid by the 7th of each month. The invoice will be sent to you via whatsapp or email on the 1st of each month. 

Q4. Why is there a need for a student deposit?

We collect a standard deposit of $100 per student (regardless of the number of subjects enrolled) to safeguard ourselves against damage to our property and late payment of tuition fees (more than 1 week late). If payment is still not made before the start of the 2nd lesson of the month, the deposit will be forfeited and the lesson for the student will be stopped with immediate effect. However, please approach us if you face any difficulty in making prompt payment. 

Q5. What do I have to pay when I enrol my child?

You only have to make payment for 

1) Student deposit of $100, 

2) Registration fee of $25 which is not refundable, and 

3) The total fees for the remaining lessons in the month of enrollment. 

Q6. How do you charge for your lessons?

We calculate the monthly fees based on the number of lessons in that particular month. There will usually be 4 lessons but when there are 5 lessons in that month, we will charge for 5 lessons worth of fees. 

Q7. Is there any discount?

We offer a 10% discount for 2nd subject onwards (which means the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. subjects will be entitled to a 10% discount each).

In addition, we have a package that pegs the fees to the date of enrollment. For example, when the child enrols as a P6 student, his fee will be $40 per lesson and it will stay at the P6 rate even when he moves to Secondary School. Any changes to the fee in future will be due to adjustments made to the fees in general. As long as the student remains enrolled and active, his fee will be pegged to the level that he joined ADA Tuition and Enrichment Hub. 

To enjoy this perk, students can only take up to a maximum of 2 weeks break from lessons during the March, June, Sep, Nov and Dec school holidays altogether. 

Q8. What if my child withdraws and maybe joins back again in the future?

When your child withdraws from ADA Tuition and Enrichment Hub, a one-month notice period is required. However, when your child joins us again in future, you will not need to pay for the registration fee of $25 again. 

Q9. What if the lesson falls on a Public Holiday? 

There will be no lesson on National Pubclic Holidays and no fee will be charged.

Q10. Are there lessons during school holidays?

Yes, our lessons will continue throughout the holidays. This is to ensure that our students are inculcated with the habit of consistent learning and also to re-visit the more difficult chapters which they did not do well in the recent exams. 

In addition, learning has to be consistent and it does not stop after examinations or when school holidays have started. A consistent approach will have a positive long term effect on the learning aptitude and attitude of the child. Results do not come when a child studies hard at the eleventh hour; good results happen because a child is being consistent in his learning process. 

Q11. What if my child cannot attend lessons?

If your child cannot attend the lesson due to any reason (sick, school activities etc.), he or she can always come back on another day for make-up lessons. Our teachers will discuss with you to arrange for the most suitable time for the make-up lesson. Please do take note that fees will not be refunded even if the make-up lesson cannot be arranged due to incompatible schedules. 

Q12. Is there any incentive if I refer a new student to ADA?

Yes, there is. You can receive $50 worth of Cash Vouchers as a reward for the successful enrollment


Q1, How long does it take to see improvement in my child’s grades?

It usually takes about 10 weeks before a considerable improvement in grades will be observed. We focus on long-term learning which means we spend more time and effort imparting the studying skills and techniques to our students. From there, they will begin practising and finding the most suitable method that fits their innate character. 

Q2. What is your pedagogy?

We believe in a 3T approach. 3T stands for Teach-Try-Test. 

Teach accounts for 20% in learning, Try accounts for 50% and the remaining 30% goes to Test. The reason why Test is important is because “What goes in, must come out”. What do we mean by that? Most of the time, when students believe that they have finished studying, it might not be totally true unless they have gone through the Test portion. 

The Test is a check-in process to verify that the students have internalised, understood and therefore are able to apply what they have learnt regardless of how tricky the questions being tested are. This is also a confidence building step to help students reduce their examination anxiety.

Q3. Is there any way for my child to have extra practice?

We have an online question bank [Learnseeker] for your child to do extra practices. These questions are equipped with solutions explained via videos if your child cannot understand why the answers are as such. 

Q4. I have tried many different tuitions but my child is still struggling with his grades. Are you sure ADA can help him?

The core problem of poor results is due to lack of encouragement and therefore the desire to learn and achieve academic excellence will be missing. At ADA, you can be assured that your child will regain his confidence and subsequently re-discover the joy of learning. Of course, we will need your help to increase your child’s confidence in his ability to do well in his exams.